Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Admissions to KinderHaus
At what age can my child start at KinderHaus?
Children can begin at KinderHaus as early as 12 months of age.
Does KinderHaus use a waitlist for students whom it cannot accommodate?
Yes. KinderHaus offers spots to families on a first come basis. Students who cannot be offered a spot will be placed on a waitlist and KinderHaus will contact families on the waitlist based on spaces that become available, also on a first come, first serve basis.
Does my child need to be potty trained to attend KinderHaus?
No. Children who attend KinderHaus do not need to be potty trained before the start of school.
What is Kinderhaus’ potty training policy?
Potty training is an individual family matter and we work closely with parents based on professional knowledge and experience.
If my child is admitted, does that mean they are automatically offered a spot for future years?
Yes. Re-enrollment for current students takes place in November of the year prior. Kindly let the staff know if you are interested by November 20th (for example by November 2023) for guaranteed enrollment in the subsequent school year (for example 2023/2024 school year). Following the November 20th deadline all students are welcomed on a first come basis.
2. Attending KinderHaus
Does my child need to speak or be exposed to German prior to applying to KinderHaus? And how often should my child attend KinderHaus?
KinderHaus admits children with all levels of German to its program. However, the child’s prior exposure to the language should be considered when parents decide on a schedule. If your child does not have an existing level of fluency and you are are applying for PreSchool, then they should attend four or five days a week to increase the exposure and strengthen the immersion process. Research overwhelmingly indicates that competence in a new language is best achieved through maximum exposure at the outset of the language learning process. Therefore, we believe that it is important that children who are being consistently exposed to the German language for the first time attend KinderHaus for at least four days a week, ideally five. KinderHaus expects that in a full immersion program, along with family commitment and support, children in the younger years will acquire the language through their school experience. For children applying to the Pre-K program, KinderHaus does require that children will have acquired a certain level of comprehension in German and this can be considered on a one on one basis.
Since the majority of children know the language, how does KinderHaus handle children who enter KinderHaus with no prior language exposure?
KinderHaus is a full immersion program where teachers consistently speak only German in the classroom. While students with no prior language exposure will speak to their peers and teachers in English, their teachers make a concerted effort to repeat back to them their question or response in German and then proceed to pose or answer their question in German. Our experience has shown us that after a few months in a full immersion setting, most children will begin to address their teachers and peers exclusively in German.
What language do the children speak amongst themselves?
In the classroom, the majority of children speak German amongst themselves. Children are not forced to speak in German, however teachers maintain full consistency in their use of German and highly encourage their students to do the same. KinderHaus believes that longevity in an immersion program makes this language transition happen naturally.
How will my child learn to read and write in English if my child attends KinderHaus?
To gain phonological and phonemic awareness, KinderHaus teachers teach a synthetic and analytic reading and writing approach (synthetischer & analytischer Schriftspracherwerb) to ensure children understand how to decode words. This approach to literacy skills gives children the tools becoming a successful reader and writer, no matter the language. They will have the underlying understanding that letters represent sounds and that you synthesize them to words.
What if my child has a food allergy?
KinderHaus has had experience with all types of food allergies. We ask that parents make the teachers aware of the allergy at the beginning of the school year and discuss necessary precautions. Every child with a food allergy has an additional required form as party of the Family Documents.
Do the children nap?
Most children do nap and we are required by the Department of Health to provide a period (approximately an hour) during which the lights are lowered, quiet music is played, and the children rest on cots (and may sleep).
3. Tours (Optional)
How do I make a reservation for a Tour or express interest in KinderHaus?
We ask that families RSVP by filling out a registration form.
Do I need to bring my children with me to the Tour?
There will be an opportunity for children to meet their teachers during the meet and greet session prior to the start of the school year but you are welcome to bring your children to the tour.
How long do the tours last and what takes place during them?
Tours last approximately 60 minutes. Parents will receive a detailed overview of the school, information on KinderHaus’ curriculum, enrollment, and the admissions process. Parents will also be invited to the classrooms and to speak with the teachers. Questions are welcome throughout.
What can I expect on the tour?
Each tour will meet alternating at 466 6th Avenue and 312 7th Street. Please plan to arrive promptly at 10 am. Tours will last approximately an hour and we will visit our 7th Street and 6th Avenue PreSchool and Pre-K classrooms.