At Atelier 312, children get to experience the joy and benefits of art making, whilst developing emotionally, socially and academically. Our Swiss trained Creative Art Therapist and Kindergarten Teacher Karin runs the atelier and offers art-infused after school programs, art camps, weekends workshops and individual art enrichment classes.

AfterSchool Art Club: During our after school Art Club classes children get to indulge in the pleasures of art making. Their interests and motivation are the starting point for in-depth explorations into drawing, painting, crafting and sculpting. Whilst working creatively, the children get to expand their artistic skills and knowledge, learn new techniques and experiment with a variety of interesting materials. The painting style “Ausdrucksmalen” that is taught in the atelier encourages authentic expression, focuses on the creative process and removes result pressure.
Weekend workshops: Looking for fun and engaging weekend activities for your children? Atelier 312 offers Saturday morning workshops. During 90 minute sessions our little artists from within and outside the KinderHaus community find a sanctuary to explore their creativity and expand their artistic skills. Artworks by influential artists are examined, new materials discovered, engaging techniques introduced and individualized art projects planned and realized. The expressive painting style (Ausdrucksmalen) is also an important part of the weekend workshops. In small group settings, on a drop-in basis, our artists discover their creative talents, whilst being immersed in German language and culture.
Saturday: 10.00am – 11.30am
Saturday: 12.00pm – 1.30pm
5-class passes ($300.-) and 10-class passes ($550.-) can be purchased through the KinderHaus administration. After enrollment you can sign-up for the workshops by following this link and choosing your desired Saturday date and time slot.
Individual art enrichment classes: Art enrichment classes are conceptualized for students with diverse abilities, needs and interests. During these one-on-one art sessions our students pursue their social, emotional, and academic goals. The artistic focus of the class and the material choice is tailored to the student’s needs, interests and/or artistic ambitions. Individual art enrichment classes usually run for 4-6 month or until developmental goals are reached and/or emotional stress is resolved.
Art camps:
During school holidays Atelier 312 offers project-based art camps. During 5 consecutive days children delve into a creative process and get to understand a material and its qualities in greater depth. Art camps offer the opportunity to realize more complex projects, which ignite children’s ambition, motivation, and fantasy. The project focus changes for each art camp. Please enquire at KinderHaus administration for more information.